The Reptile Database CD-ROM Edition

Frequently asked questions and additional comments


Does purchase of the CD include any (downloadable) updates?

Not yet. We plan to implement downloadable updates in one of the future releases. Previous customers of the CD-ROM will get a discount or one free update (the procedure is not clear yet). The current version on the CD-ROM can be updated already though, but such updates will probably require a complete version of the database (because we add so much new data to each new release). Keep an eye on this page or the CD-ROM page for future developments.


Does a similar database or CD-ROM exist for amphibians?

A similar database exists for amphibians, namely Darrel Frost's Amphibian species of the World. However, he doesn't produce a CD-ROM yet.

This page is maintained by peter<at> (replace <a> by @ for e-mail contact: spam protection!).
Created: 28 July 2000 / Last changed: 28 Jan 2008